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The rigged election is all in my mind

Dick K. Scott
3 min readOct 22, 2020

Had a thought the other night as I was washing the dishes.

What if Trump loses because the election really is rigged, not by the Democrats but by the Republicans. Does that make them heroes?

I answered myself with “No”. It’s long past time for the Republicans to be heroes, that time came and went at their 2016 convention when they could have advanced a more stable, America-loving candidate. But, no, they went with Trump and got exactly what they wanted and a candidate that perfectly reflected the Party as a whole, a xenophobic racist bigot misogynist. And, now that Trump is really letting his freak flag fly it’s become too much for them to handle and they want out.

Truth is Trump is the Republican Party. He is exactly what they are, just without the very thin veneer of decency (though, that wore through pretty well and quick under Obama). Now that the whole world can see them for exactly who they are they’re scared. They’re losing races they should normally easily win. They’re barely winning races that should never have been a contest.

The Amy Coney Barrett push through is a last gasp effort to exert control on a nation that by and large doesn’t want them. Even McConnell’s waking up to the very real probability that the Republicans will lose not just the White House, but the Senate. There’s also a very real possibility that Republicans are going to lose control of state houses, mayor’s mansions, governorships, pretty much everything down ballot that they’ve controlled for decades. I can only conclude that this is why he’s made an about face and suddenly pandemic relief is back on the Senate table. (Though, I love how Pelosi just came out and gave McConnell the check, already past due at this time, so now it all has to wait until after the election. Not a good look for the Republicans, especially since the Senate Republicans keep pushing skinny relief packages that no one wants, not even Trump.)

Now, I’m not trying to push any sort of conspiracy here, it was after all just a passing thought as I stared blankly into the kaleidoscopic rainbow of suds. But, you can’t deny that the Republicans by hitching themselves so tightly to Trump and finally disrobing themselves of any hint of humanity, decency, patriotism, forthrightness, and modernity, are now kicking themselves. From what I’ve been reading they’re downright scared (though I believe Senator Collins is still merely “concerned”). What seemed like such a winning and long lasting strategy only four short years ago is today looking to be utter and complete devastation for the Party, if not for just the next four years, then possibly for the next generation.

No, no conspiracy pushing here, but I can’t help but wonder if some Republicans are quietly (read: cowardly) sabotaging their own races as a way to hurt Trump and save the Party. Perhaps the thinking for some is simply “If I lose and go away for a while, give people a cycle or two to forget the bullshit I just dumped on the country, maybe I can come back and win again later.” I doubt it, though, the Republican Party and its adherents today seem more concerned with Power and holding onto that Power than anything else. Doubt any one of them would lose on purpose.

This here is all conjecture. To be perfectly honest I believe Republicans are losing or facing tight races the country over not because there’s a secret group of Republicans who are trying to dump Trump by losing races up and down ballot, but because the People the Nation over are demanding decency, honor, empathy and a more socially aware national community. All things the Republican Party habitually stands against.



Dick K. Scott
Dick K. Scott

Written by Dick K. Scott

Not an award-winning author of anything.

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