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Now that you’ve seen their true colors, if you still vote Republican you’re a Fascist

Dick K. Scott


Hmmm… really thought I had more to say on this.

Ok, sure, you could point out that there are plenty of people who put on a uniform and fought for a cause for reasons that have nothing to do with ideology. They’re pure practicality.

But, that’s a war scenario, and let’s face it, sometimes you put on the uniform and shoot the declared enemy of the state so your family can eat and hope for a long life. Sometimes selfish survival instincts are understandable and deserving of sympathy. Sometimes you have no choice.

With Trump (who exemplifies and leads the Republican Party), though, there is a choice. No one is kicking in your door and dragging you away in the middle of the night, forcibly conscripting you into an army and war you don’t believe in, you don’t support and in which you want no part. No, Trump followers and his Republican enablers are true believers in the vile hate he spews. In the authoritarian, fascist, dictatorial world view he holds and espouses. I’ve read the puff peaces, the attempts to show Trump voters and his Republican supporters as wide and varied, as human, as people who just happen to hold a different point of view. But, let’s be honest here, let’s get real. You can turn around and tell me you voted for Trump not because you like him, or think his social views are right, or that you care for his persona (I won’t qualify this with “public” because I’m pretty damned sure he’s the same in private). You can even tell me that you voted for a down ballot Republican Trump surrogate for the very same reasons. You can tell me that you think he and the Republicans are right on taxes, on cutting back the Federal Government’s role in everyday life, from taxation to regulation, from cutting, gutting and abandoning healthcare to doing not much of anything to help the average everyday citizen. If it were someone else I’d get that (though, not Mitch McConnell, he’s another monster gleefully playing despot and gorging on power), I get policy differences. I get the view that government, Federal, State and Local feel like they’re encroaching ever more on our personal, private daily lives.

However, here’s why you, the Trump Republican Party supporter, are a Fascist. Trump is a demagogue, a wannabe dictator, a middling at best multi-bankrupt real estate developer with ambitions of becoming King. A man who holds dearly racist, homophobic, bigoted and misogynistic views and who wants to twist and bend the world around him to fit his schemes and sad desires. A man who, in the face of being wrong, in the midst of defeat, will do everything he can to vilify and demonize his opposition, to rile up his supporters to violent acts of oppression, to use his supporters as militant, combative proxies in his war on everything good and decent America stands for. Trump is a man who can not bare that the world is ever more open, accepting, inclusive while vociferously rejecting the vile hate filled speech of his youth and his kind. Trump is, simply and plainly, a White Supremacist, an anti-Semite, a radically fake Christian, a man who is clinging desperately to an idealized, fantastical vision of the past. Trump is a man that believes America should be Straight White Anglo-Saxon Protestant (with some room for the Jews as long as they’re counting his money, otherwise there’s Israel). Everyone else is throwaway. And, the Republican Party is right beside him in lockstep.

And, that is why you, my dear Trump supporting Republican American brothers and sisters, are Fascist.



Dick K. Scott
Dick K. Scott

Written by Dick K. Scott

Not an award-winning author of anything.

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