Ideals Incarnate
What I love about the US are the ideals, but when you realize you’re in love with the idea, does that mean it’s real? Are you in love with the incarnation? When the reality doesn’t meet your expectations, what does that mean for your perception of the soul?
Right now, as many times in the past, America is undergoing a violent, virulent, vicious convulsion of ideological warfare. Are we a Nation of Equals, or are we a Nation of some pigs being more equal than others? Looking at today, and the last 3 or 4 years, I’d say we’re a Nation where nearly half the people would rather live and die under Fascism and an Authoritarian Despot then let anyone who isn’t a White Male Anglo-Saxon Protestant have any power, equality or freedom (unless they’re a Supreme Court pick, then as long as they’re willing to kill individual freedoms, especially those of women, then it’s A-OK if that person is not a WASP). The scariest part, for me, isn’t that nearly half the country, deep down, has sympathy for the Nazis. No, the scariest part is that through the Electoral College they, as the minority, can take control of our federal government and impose their will on the majority.
This will not do (to steal a line from Pink Floyd).
Let’s back up for minute. I think a little perspective here would be good. And, that starts with one question: are we, as a People and Nation, more inclusive, free and liberal in our laws and protections of and for minorities than we were, say, 50 years ago? I’d say yes (it’s a scale, anywhere from “a lot” to “very little if any”). But, and this is a really big BUT, freedoms and liberties are fleeting, they must be maintained like a garden in the desert. They must be nurtured and grown, ever vigilant for disease, weeds, pests and drought. Now, this isn’t to say I’m for all things Progressive/Liberal. After all, Prohibition was the Progressive cause célèbre, but I always thought it was ridiculous, ill-conceived, steeped in Religious Fanaticism which has no place in government, and plain wrong. Al Capone and his ilk definitely proved that. I also think Cancel Culture is off-base, but I understand it, more than I ever did Prohibition. However, if you want a truly free and open society you must be willing to engage, and allow others to engage, in ideas and with people you disagree with, find horrible and monstrous, or just plain imbecilic. Otherwise, how else does one sharpen their critical thinking skills and force themselves to take a critical look at their own beliefs, thoughts and ideals? How else does society grow and mature if all it does is sweep its monsters under the rug? (I know there’s an argument here that by “cancelling” bigots and bad people you encourage others to be better, and maybe that’s true, but the same thought is behind the death penalty and that’s not stopping murder. Also, both sides of the political spectrum are guilty of engaging in this kind of behavior. One side calls it “cancelling”, the other patriotism).
Swinging back around, Trump and his Gang of Loyal Republicans are doing a fine job of taking control of the country. Mitch McConnell’s reasoning, weak as it is, is that the country voted in not only Trump, but a Republican controlled Senate. Here’s why this is weak sauce. First, Trump may have won the Electoral College, and therefore won under Constitutional law, but he lost the popular vote by nearly 3 millions votes. Which, when you loop back the Founders’ belief that legitimate government arises from the Will of the People, makes Trump’s presidency Constitutional, but not really legitimate. In other words, he has no mandate of the People. Now, looking at the Senate, the Republicans prior to the 2018 mid-terms had a much slimmer advantage, and it’s only by luck and happenstance that the 2018 mid-terms mostly had already vulnerable Democratic held Senate seats up for election. This I see as a natural, expected turnover, not some sort of seismic shift in the Will of the People toward right-wing conservative (religious) rule. Again, coming back to the idea that the Republicans have a mandate of the People is thin at best. The real test election is the upcoming one in which the Republicans are expected to lose the Senate and the Democrats are expected to hold the House.
What this really boils down to is that the Republican Party, it’s ideals, it’s corporate bent, Evangelical underpinnings and Free-Markets-Will-Cure-Everything attitude is old, tired, worn out and no longer accepted by the majority. For these mostly old, white Christian men, well, this is scary. This is terrifying. This is the end of the world and the end of America. Except, it’s not. This is, yet again, a cultural shift in the country as we work toward what the Founders always intended, a More Perfect Union. Unfortunately, for those of us in the majority, for we are the majority of Americans, the Right doesn’t see a More Perfect Union as one in which people of color, minorities, non-Christians, LGBTQA+, women, well, anyone not White Anglo-Saxon Protestant and Male, would have Equal Rights. Those on the Right believe that as the framers and especially the signers of the Constitution where WASPs, well, then, that’s the way things should be now.
Frankly, this new fight, which has taken on the mantle of Religious Freedom, is nothing but the same old States’ Rights argument that is in of itself a (white, hooded) cloak on the fight over racism, segregation and slavery. Don’t kid yourself that any of these cultural fights, any of these arguments over individual freedoms, equality, openness and inclusiveness is anything other than the 400+ year old fight over whether or not it’s ok to own and subjugate another human being.
Sorry, old boy, but the color of ones skin does not make the person, nor is a woman’s place barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen, unless of course SHE chooses that life.
The fight here, today in America is about individual freedoms, acceptance of those different than us, equality and the right to be recognized as Human in the eyes of the Law, Commerce and Society. But, it’s more than that. It’s the fight to keep American from becoming a Theocracy. For, while we are a nation of religions, we are not a nation ruled by Religion. Yes, Mitch, there is a firewall between Church and State. To anyone with an honest view and a modicum of intelligence it should be as clear today as it was when the First Amendment was written.
So, as we head into election season remember, this is not a fight over immigration (though it is), this is not a fight over abortion rights (though it is), this is not a fight over whether or not LGBTQA+ people are human (though it is), this is not a fight over whether or not we as a Nation should provide a national healthcare plan (though it is). No, this a fight for the soul of our Nation, for our very way of a better life for all. This is a fight to keep the Nation secular while we enjoy our beliefs at home and in our preferred Houses of Worship. The Religious Zealot Barbarians are at the gates and they have the key. Change the locks. Don’t let them in.